#1 Tony N´Guxi - Space of Love Qua Dez 14, 2016 8:56 am
Artiste principal : Tony N´Guxi
Genre : Musiques du monde
Formats: mp3 320 kbit/s
"Space of Love" is a world music album from Angola by Tony N’guxi that is composed to take the listener to a space where human beings should feel comfortable with their lives.
1. Imoshi: We Are One (Somos Um Só)
2. Share With Me
3. Space of Love
4. The Wall of Hope
5. Hamba Sadc
6. Tshonga
7. Mwentche Ayé
8. Bandjô
9. Anagé Heza
10. Tshissemy
11. Just 4 Now
12. Sezoukazz
13. Tchole Nawa
14. B: The Road 2 Freedom
15. Makopo
16. A Flower for a Landmine