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Bem vindos ao Fórum Afrika On Line. Aqui você encontrará o melhor da cultura africana. Entre e fique a vontade. Registre-se e seja bem vindo!!!
Aka Pygmy Music (Central African Republic) Banner11

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#1Aka Pygmy Music (Central African Republic) Empty Aka Pygmy Music (Central African Republic) Ter maio 31, 2016 7:01 am


Aka Pygmy Music (Central African Republic) 4e1c7637d79bd56ab5dcbf14582bde21

01. Mongombi | unidentifield (shouts uttered while hunting with nets)
02. Anduwa | unidentifield (song performed during the return from a hunt)
03. Dikoboda sombe (solo) | unidentifield (hut song)
04. Dikoboda sombe (duet) | unidentifield (hut song)
05. Bosobè | unidentifield (song and dance of a diviner-healer)
06. Bobangi | unidentifield (song to celebrate the catching of game)
07. Kokoyandongo | unidentifield (song and dance of a diviner-healer)
08. Nzenzenze | unidentifield (children's game)
09. Balibo sasasa | unidentifield (children's round dance)
10. Mbola | unidentifield (adult song performed by children)
11. Nzombi (solo) | unidentifield (music for the return from a hunt)
12. Nzombi (duet) | unidentifield (music for the return from a hunt)
13. Epanda | unidentifield (invocations to the spirits of the ancestors)
14. Mombimbi | unidentifield (invocations to the spirits of the ancestors)
15. Monzoli | unidentifield (ritual song)



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