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Bem vindos ao Fórum Afrika On Line. Aqui você encontrará o melhor da cultura africana. Entre e fique a vontade. Registre-se e seja bem vindo!!!
VA. Slow Music from Africa  (1999) Banner11

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#1VA. Slow Music from Africa  (1999) Empty VA. Slow Music from Africa (1999) Sáb Ago 31, 2013 11:18 am


VA. Slow Music from Africa  (1999) Slow2
  VA. Slow Music from Africa  (1999) SeZcoollogocoBt4 
 Artist : VA      
Album : Slow Music from Africa       
Genero : Afro music    
Lancamento : 1999                
Tamanho : 97  Mb
Formato: mp3,mix   
VA. Slow Music from Africa  (1999) GDPcoollogocoB9M    
1.Lord's Special - Chief Stephen Osita Osadebe - Nigeria
2.La Guinée-Wodi - Orchestre de Kindia (Dirou Band) - Guinea
3.Yatouloveras - UCAS Band de Sedhiou - Senegal
4.Teranga - Ouza et Teranga International Band - Senegal
5.Feresirima - Peacocks International Guitar Band − Nigeria
6.Na - Djorçon - Guinea-Bissau
7.Duga - Orchestre Rail Band - Mali
8.Sigala -  Magatte N'diaye with Star Band de Dakar - Senegal
9.Touraman - Horoya Band National - Guinea
10.Sali - Amadou Ballake Traore - Burkina Faso
11.Ma Penda - Orchestre Bawobab Gouye-Gui de Dakar - Senegal
12.Footaane - Etoile de Dakar - Senegal
13.Douga - Quintette Guinéenne - Guinea
14.Ife Uwa Adi Agwuagwu - Celestine Ukwu - Nigeria
15.Danaya - Nahawa Doumbia - Mali    

Última edição por devabodha em Ter Jan 27, 2015 6:24 am, editado 1 vez(es)

#2VA. Slow Music from Africa  (1999) Empty Re: VA. Slow Music from Africa (1999) Sáb Ago 31, 2013 2:47 pm

patricia indira

bela compilação,africana o albun é excelente.

#3VA. Slow Music from Africa  (1999) Empty Re: VA. Slow Music from Africa (1999) Sáb Set 14, 2013 5:42 pm



#4VA. Slow Music from Africa  (1999) Empty Re: VA. Slow Music from Africa (1999) Dom Out 20, 2013 2:30 am


africana o albun é excelent

#5VA. Slow Music from Africa  (1999) Empty Re: VA. Slow Music from Africa (1999) Seg Out 21, 2013 8:41 am


grande album

#6VA. Slow Music from Africa  (1999) Empty Re: VA. Slow Music from Africa (1999) Ter Set 30, 2014 8:27 am


Vejamos se o link ainda funciona...

#7VA. Slow Music from Africa  (1999) Empty Re: VA. Slow Music from Africa (1999) Ter Set 30, 2014 10:50 am



#8VA. Slow Music from Africa  (1999) Empty Re: VA. Slow Music from Africa (1999) Sex Out 03, 2014 6:18 am


sumara tempo

#9VA. Slow Music from Africa  (1999) Empty obrigado Sáb Out 04, 2014 3:53 pm


devabodha escreveu:VA. Slow Music from Africa  (1999) Slow2
  VA. Slow Music from Africa  (1999) SeZcoollogocoBt4 
 Artist : VA      
Album : Slow Music from Africa       
Genero : Afro music    
Lancamento : 1999                
Tamanho : 97  Mb
Formato: mp3,mix   
VA. Slow Music from Africa  (1999) GDPcoollogocoB9M    
1.Lord's Special - Chief Stephen Osita Osadebe - Nigeria
2.La Guinée-Wodi - Orchestre de Kindia (Dirou Band) - Guinea
3.Yatouloveras - UCAS Band de Sedhiou - Senegal
4.Teranga - Ouza et Teranga International Band - Senegal
5.Feresirima - Peacocks International Guitar Band − Nigeria
6.Na - Djorçon - Guinea-Bissau
7.Duga - Orchestre Rail Band - Mali
8.Sigala -  Magatte N'diaye with Star Band de Dakar - Senegal
9.Touraman - Horoya Band National - Guinea
10.Sali - Amadou Ballake Traore - Burkina Faso
11.Ma Penda - Orchestre Bawobab Gouye-Gui de Dakar - Senegal
12.Footaane - Etoile de Dakar - Senegal
13.Douga - Quintette Guinéenne - Guinea
14.Ife Uwa Adi Agwuagwu - Celestine Ukwu - Nigeria
15.Danaya - Nahawa Doumbia - Mali    

#10VA. Slow Music from Africa  (1999) Empty Re: VA. Slow Music from Africa (1999) Qua Nov 05, 2014 2:14 am


obrigado, espero nao ter expirado

#11VA. Slow Music from Africa  (1999) Empty Re: VA. Slow Music from Africa (1999) Ter Nov 11, 2014 9:58 am



#12VA. Slow Music from Africa  (1999) Empty Re: VA. Slow Music from Africa (1999) Ter Jan 27, 2015 5:26 am


ser Africano é um timbre

#13VA. Slow Music from Africa  (1999) Empty Re: VA. Slow Music from Africa (1999) Ter Jan 27, 2015 6:25 am


novo link Wink

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